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" " Review our Album 

March 2019

Gli AC/DC cantavano che il rock 'n' roll non è inquinamento acustico, e per quanto il nome non aiuti a sostenere questa tesi i Turbodiesel sono un piacere per le orecchie amanti del metal old school.

Riff melodici da heavy, ritmica al galoppo da thrash e voce urlata e apositamente affaticata alla Lemmy Kilmister. Le origini delle sonorità del gruppo emiliano sono ben chiare e il loro primo disco di inediti le onora tutte. 
Sin dal primo brano, "Petrolhead", viene scandita questa loro "poetica" che viaggia dai riff storici dei Motörhead fino a quelli dei Metallica, richiamati forse anche dal titolo del brano "Nuke 'Em All", passando anche da un po' di classici Manowar e altri dei del metal come loro (il brano conclusivo "Brotherhood of Steel" ne è la prova con titolo da inno, riffoni e tastiere più presenti).
In versione "lento" i Turbodiesel non danno il massimo ma, dopo appunto la frenata di "A Thousand Miles", smentiscono il proprio nome e riescono a ripartire velocissimi con "Walkin' on Fire" e la più articolata "Juliet".

Per chiudere questo album d'esordio non poteva esserci brano migliore del loro già citato inno al metallo per eccellenza per far alzare le corna al cielo e ricevere i meritati applausi del pubblico che, come alla fine di tutti i migliori concerti, sudato e felice si dirige verso l'uscita pensando già a quando avrà il piacere di risentirli.

Gianluca Vona 23/murch/2019

"Fireworks Magazine" Review our Album  

March 2019

The love for rock music for bassist/singer Federico Balboni came with the discovery of big British and American heavy metal bands, including Metallica and Iron Maiden, but his biggest discovery came with Motorhead and especially Lemmy Kilmister’s powerful sound.  “Everything changed ever since. The world needed someone who felt like raising their voice on that microphone”, he says. ‘Petrolhead’ is Turbodiesel’s first album and was born as an experiment a couple of years after the forming of the band. “Between 2015 and 2017 many singers and musicians have been changed, but the cover played always remained the same ones. Why noy step up the game? The sonority of the album is powerful, solid and dirty”, he tells me. Motorhead played a crucial role just like Metallica and, at some point, even Pantera and Gojira. “A pretty weird mix tha together suited my passion to a though. The songs don’t really follow a defined concept, we could say that they vary from ‘Petrolhead’ euphoria of speed to the horrors that war can cause on the human mind in ‘Walking on fire’. The album ‘Petrolhead’ can’t be defined ad monotonous: there really is a variety of shades in the music”, expresses Balboni. When he is not writing or performing Balboni interests range from his passion for cars (Bologna is the area where Lamborghini and Ducati were born) to live music, especially when it comes to emerging groups. “Supporting other bands is essential for their growth and it’s often a chance to get to know great and underrated groups and even make friends or have a couple of beers”, he smiles. What makes Turbodiesel stand out however are the emotions that they carry around with them. More and more band’s sound like they’re singing under their breath or like they’re ashamed to show their feelings towards the instruments, thus often creating sterile songs. Every song on ‘Petrolhead’ wants to explode in the ears of the listener, shouting every word, with an ever-present distorted bass and an on meth blues guitar. Balboni cites the titles track ‘Petrolhead’, as one of his faves. “With its fast rhythm and its aggressive sound, can be considered the highlight of the album. It’s about dragstrips and fast cars: the musical target was fully seized. ‘Juliet’, on the other hand, can be considered the most experimental song in the album thanks to its heavier sonorities, different and articulate sounds and a more complex production.,” he enthuses. The live shows are still pretty basic, and with this being their first album, the group still has to rely on backup bands and an internal tour. “The future aim is trying to win the support of listeners outside of Italy too as well as making music our actual job and gaining a spot the greatest rock bands” he tells me. ‘Petrolhead’ was completely recorded band several hours just to find the perfect sound for the opening piano but the result was really incredible. For the future, Turbodiesel want to play more gigs everywhere and anywhere, “we are currently working on finding father gigs from the area the band is covering at the moment, thus creating and always getting to know new realities in order to gain the support of more and more people through rock notes and to remind everyone that this genre is not dead and still has a lot to give and discover”, concludes Federico, bringing an end to our conversation. The CD is currently available for purchase both in hard and digital copy from all the usual platforms.

Gilberto Ongaro 4/July/2019

Heavy metal e motori: i Turbodiesel coniugano le loro passioni, il suono potente delle chitarre distorte e il rombo dei motori, in un EP d’esordio chiamato programmaticamente “Petrolhead”, intraducibile se non con “fan delle auto”. Le sei canzoni propongono un classico hard rock senza fronzoli, cantato con voce ruvida e con esplicita influenza MotÓ§rhead. La titletrack subito avvia la musica, con una veloce corsa e un videoclip suonato dal meccanico, con tanto di gara di velocità. Si prosegue con “Unholy hero”, con un ritmo cadenzato, che fa apprezzare anche il suono d’organo del tastierista nell’arrangiamento. Di nuovo ci si scatena con la scorretta “Nuke ‘em all” (“Bombardali tutti [con armi nucleari]”), e poi è il momento del lento, ovvero “A thousand miles”, anche se dopo 4 minuti si torna a correre, verso il finale. La marziale “Walkin’ on fire” ci porta nella mente di chi ha subito gli orrori della guerra, con la giusta dose di forza sonora, specie nel basso sferragliante. Dopo le fiamme, un pianoforte dalle note diminuite trasporta la band nel buio, e si sfiora il gotico nel brano di chiusura “Juliet”. Ma la voce graffia senza problemi ogni muro sonoro. I Turbodiesel esordiscono con la giusta forza, per entrare nel cuore degli amanti dei motori, e della loro tipica colonna sonora heavy

" Music " Review our Album 

July 2019

Nicky Baldrian
Fireworks Magazine 16/March/2019



"Power Play Magazine" Review our Album  

January 2019

Fast, furious and fabulous; that’s what Italian rockers Turbodiesel have brought to the table with their bedut album, “ Petrolhead.
I seem to be inudated with Italian bands to review at the moment, albeit in different genres, but this one stands out above the others.
Although frontman Balbo’s vocal are guttural and somewhat hard to understand at times,
I enjoy the pacy, slap-in-the-face style of this album. I also appreciate the fact that it is only seven tracks in length, as sometime less in more.

The tittle tack leads the action, steady and full of infectus riffs and licks, with a neat little solo in the middle.
Second track ”Unholy Hero” has a slower feel with big, echoing guitar sounds in the intro, but on the whole, this short but sweet menu of songs could be described as a collection of competent compositions, without taking itself to seriously.
My favorite track in “Brotherhood of steel”, a chuggy ear worm that features some nice guitar work and also some cheeky keyboard in the middle.
I really like “petrolhead” and i shall await the next album to see where Turbodiesel go from here.

Vikkie Richtmone 

Power Play Rock and Metal Magazine

Issues 216, 1/jun/2019

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